adverbs exercises advanced
Category : Uncategorized
Prepositions To, Till, Until (Intermediate), Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - 1 (Int), Phrasal Verbs Come and Go - 2 (Intermediate). answer = answer + questions[n].answ_ids[questions[n].ids_in_cont[i]] + '```';
jq_UpdateTaskDiv('next', skip_question);
if (answer != '') { questions[i].quest_data_user = '';
if (allow_attempt == 1) {
answer = 0;
function jq_Start_TickTack(past_time) {
var error_call_code = '';
case 'review_start':
if (!http_request) {
Prepositions Tests category includes free online quizzes on prepostions tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. 25. }
return (sStr.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, ""));
if (timer_style == 2 && max_quiz_time > 0 && max_quiz_time != 3600000) {
url = url + '&quest_id[]='+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'&answer[]=';
var hs_y = parseInt(eval('document.quest_form'+questions[n].cur_quest_id+'.hotspot_y.value'));
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answer = answer.substring(0, answer.length - 3);
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